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Oceanside Court #37

Welcome to Oregon's Oceanside Court #37

Meetings: 1st Saturday of every month except January
                   and February when they are dark.
Lunch: There is a potluck lunch at 12:00 before
             every meeting.

Time: 1:00pm
Address: Newport Masonic Lodge
                435 SW 9th Street
                Newport, OR 97365

Elected Officers

Royal Matron: HL Mary Drushella
Royal Patron: SK Michael Thompson
Associate Matron: HL Marilynn Young, PGRM
Associated Patron: SK Dean Young, PGRP
Treasurer: HL Janet Givens
Secretary: HL Sue Mills, PGRM
Conductress: HL Anjee Thompson
Associate Conductress: HL Laura Frye
Chairman of Trustees: SK Grant Mobley
Trustee 2 Years: HL Bonnie Strong
Trustee 3 Years: SK Jim Taylor, PGRP


Appointed Officers

Marshal in the East: HL Sherilynn Mobley, GAC

Marshal in the West: HL Ellen Onstad

Standard Bearer: HL Kathy Cumiford, PGRM
Prelate: HL Shirley Taylor
Musician: HL Cindy DeRoos

Faith: HL Glorianne Mosley
Wisdom: HL Jesika Myers
Charity: HL Fran Whited

Historian: HL Mary Gilliland

Warder: SK Bill Dobrinin

Sentinel: SK Roger Holstein

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